Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bad Form Design

Looking over the "bad form" I noticed a few things I would change.  The "enter your name" option comes up twice.  One seems like it was probably a default setting and the other seems like something the creator added.  I would delete one of those fields.  In the "enter your phone number" field it essentially repeats, saying "enter your phone number" twice.  I would only have it written once so as not to confuse anyone using a screen reader.  When it asks if I "like" or "dislike" using web forms the answer options are only "yes" and "no".  There is really no way to correctly answer this question.  I would change it something like, "Do you like using web forms on other websites?" "yes" or "no".  When asking about experience with web forms I would rephrase "never done it" into a complete sentence and give fewer options to choose from.  When asked if I liked learning about web forms no information was given about the scale.  I don't know if "5" means I really like learning about it or really dislike learning about it.

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