Sunday, October 28, 2012

Website Progress

I am happy with how my website is coming.  I like the overall look of it and I have lots of my content already ready to post.  I like how I could add the Facebook feature to the left side so parents can see what's happening on the Facebook page before they click on it.  I'm thinking about adding a Java Script feature to embed a calendar to the side of the page as well.  

My next step is to add all my content to the pages that I have set up and let my parents know via Facebook and a written note that the Website is functional.  So my big push for the next couple of weeks will be doing this.

I'm trying to keep in mind with everything that this is not a site that I will be updating all that often, rather a site that parents can use as a resource throughout the entire year.  I want to create something that I can easily maintain and don't want to add too many bells and whistles (as that has been my downfall in the past when making class websites).

Thoughts on Java Script

When initially going through the Java Script tutorials I was overwhelmed by the information and by the fact that I felt like I was reading a foreign language.  After I started actually using Java Script in the assignments I realized that it is really not so bad trying to insert it into webpages.  I especially liked that there are so many webpages dedicated to giving you pre-made Java Script that is easy to use in your own page.  The calendar that I found and inserted into my blog is something that I might even use in my class webpage.

Java Script Calendar

I'm testing out this Java Script calendar on my blog and if I can get it to work and like it then I might add it to my website.

This free script provided by
JavaScript Kit

Slideshow Assignment

Slideshow image

Since your web browser does not support JavaScript, here is a non-JavaScript version of the image slideshow:

slideshow image
Wintery Weather

slideshow image
Winter Tree

slideshow image
Winter Road

slideshow image
Winter Sun

slideshow image
Winter Field

Roll Over Assignment

These are just the images that I used for the roll over assignment which is to the right of the page.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Module 8 Journal

I used to have a button on my class weekly website that allowed users to visit my page.  But I have now embedded a new Facebook box on my home page that allows users to see what is happening on the Facebook page without clicking a button.  I think this will be helpful to some users because I sometimes find myself of webpages and want to visit their Facebook page but I don't want to leave the page right then.  My embedded Facebook application allows users to view the Facebook page without having to leave my class website.

I want to meet the target in our website rubric to "Include more than one interactive/dynamic element" that gives users appropriate feedback (and is not just for entertainment) but I am having a hard time thinking about what I could put on my website that would fulfill this.  I have thought about including a survey about what parents are searching for on the site (and this can help me create a better experience for my users) but this doesn't really give the user any feedback.  I will also try to include a custom search bar so parents could search the site more easily to find what they need.  A custom search bar would provide the user with helpful feedback.  This is an area I need to take a closer look at in order to meet the expectations I 
have for myself with this project.

Java Script Update: I was wondering at first how Java Script might enhance my page and had come to the conclusion that it probably wouldn't; however, after doing the assignments from this week I realize that it's pretty easy to use Java Script.  I'm thinking now that I might use Java Script to embed a calendar onto my class webpage.  

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Home Page Plans

What information will you put in your page header?
I plan to include a photo of my classroom, the words "Mrs. Dargle's Class" (my husband designs logos for a living so I might see if he can mock up an actual logo for our classroom), a brief description of what parents can do on the site ("a place to find out everything that's going on in Mrs. Dargle's kindergarten class" or something like that), and the tabs for my different pages included on the site.  If it's possible I'd like to have a search bar as well.

Will you be incorporating scan columns? If so, what specifically will be included?
I will have a scan column on the left of the page.  I want to include links to our class Facebook page (where news is updated daily), I don't know if I would need navigation links in the scan column if I will be including tabs for the same purpose in the page header.  I might include links to all of our units of study, to make it easier for parents to find them quickly.  Also maybe a list of links for educational websites available for use at home.  If I could include a calendar it might be nice, but I need to look into whether or not this is possible.

How will you organize the content on your page?
The main way I plan to organize is by using the navigation tabs in the page header.  I want them to be a clear way for parents to get to where they plan on going.  I want to have tabs for parents to see each unit we will study throughout the year (with a few resources they can use at home to help their child with each one).  I will have a tab for my class information packet, one for reading help, and one for math help.

What will you include in your page footer?
I will include contact information for myself and the school (phone numbers and email addresses, I'd rather not include address for the school, parents can get that on the school website). I will also include a "last updated" date so parents will know if information is up to date or not.

Design your internal page(s). Draw a wireframe and include in your journal and go ahead and design the page on your website. 

Notice that in the internal page for "Reading Help", the tab is bolded (to show that this tab will be highlighted in some way to show users what page they are currently browsing) and there is a breadcrumb trail at the top of the page so users can see where they are within the context of the entire site.  Each of my internal pages will follow this wireframe form with the current tab being used being highlighted.

Finally, design your home page. Draw the wireframe and design the home page on your website.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bad Form Design

Looking over the "bad form" I noticed a few things I would change.  The "enter your name" option comes up twice.  One seems like it was probably a default setting and the other seems like something the creator added.  I would delete one of those fields.  In the "enter your phone number" field it essentially repeats, saying "enter your phone number" twice.  I would only have it written once so as not to confuse anyone using a screen reader.  When it asks if I "like" or "dislike" using web forms the answer options are only "yes" and "no".  There is really no way to correctly answer this question.  I would change it something like, "Do you like using web forms on other websites?" "yes" or "no".  When asking about experience with web forms I would rephrase "never done it" into a complete sentence and give fewer options to choose from.  When asked if I liked learning about web forms no information was given about the scale.  I don't know if "5" means I really like learning about it or really dislike learning about it.