Sunday, September 30, 2012

CSS And My Website

I looked into Weebly (where I plan to have my class website) and I am on the fence about whether or not I will try to customize the CSS or just use an existing template.  I would like to reach the "target" on the rubric for the final project, yet realistically I know that if I needed to add extra headers, pages, or links down the line (after this class is over) I would have to go in and continue to customize the CSS in order for my site to look constant, which is important to me.  I could also customize the CSS for this project and then go through later and take out my customization in order to make changes easier and faster in the future.  This will also allow me to focus more on my content rather than the look of my page.

The Web Style Guide brings up important points about semantic markup allowing text readers and search engines to know what is important on your website.  It seems like there is an overall CSS and then individual html sheets.  I can access the CSS to customize it by clicking the "design" and then "customize CSS" tabs.  Within this area I also have access to different files I can include in my design.  I can include social media buttons, change the different images on the page, and include custom buttons.  Each file gives me the file name I would need to include in the code I would need to include in my custom CSS.  I can see how having a well designed semantic markup would help with site maintenance because it gives a good picture of the overall structure/outline of the site.  Having a clear picture of the site structure would allow me to find things needing editing very quickly.

In my own site I want to keep things simple; having a few tabs at the top of the homepage that will take users to their destination.  I might also want a side tab to allow users to get back from where they came from (similar to the way the w3schools page is set up).  The names of my tabs should be very concise, with a clear hierarchy:

Units of study
          - Life cycles
          - Food chains
          - Apples

I don't plan on having lots and lots of subcategories (ex. Units --> Science --> September --> Life cycles) , making it easier for parents (and me) to find exactly what they need.

Under settings I discovered that I can include a site description and keywords that will help search engine find my webpage.  The main thing I want parents to be able to do is to search "Mrs. Dargle's Class" and find the page quickly.  Currently my old class webpage from Wordpress comes up in that search and my Facebook page for Mrs. Dargle's class comes up.  I plan on including a link on the Facebook page to the website so that should help parents find me as well.  Other than parents from my class, I'm not all that concerned with other people finding the page.

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